So may I just say that this past week has been absolutely
AMAZEEE! Still trying to wrap my head around all of my experiences being
involved with and just being here in the middle of New York Fashion Week. Let
me give y’all a quick re-cap of the highlights:
But as awesome as it was people watching and trying to sneak
a peek at all the stores and events, I was on a mission. Word on the street (aka all my social media sites) was that my
idol, the one and only Rachel Zoe, was going to make an appearance at the grand
opening of the Piperlime store. Well that meant that NOTHING was going to stop
me from getting over there, including the massive cramp in my right foot from
my new Nine West fringe platform booties that I just had to bust out for the
night’s festivities. At least they're broken in now;) So we finally made
our way through the crowd and arrived at what seemed like the line for a
SixFlags theme park ride. Yeah, that was not going to work. So me and Gen
managed to score the best seats in the freaking house with a direct view of
where RZ would arrive. After about an hour or so of standing our ground,
getting snapped by some fashion street style paparazzo(pretty cool), and having our camera aimed and ready, Zoe arrived looking fabulous as ever with Roger and Joey by her side. She was in this amazing navy, long-sleeved jumper. What happened next is all one big blur. All I know is that I was mere inches from my idol (we made eye contact) and it was such an awesome experience it's hard for me to put into words.
Me in front of Piperlime
The fab RZ
On Saturday I worked with a production company at the Porsche Design fashion show held at Jack Studios. I helped prep the stage, organize the event, and was backstage lining up and making sure the models were ready to walk out when it was their turn. It was awesome to be backstage in the middle of the madness and to get a first hand experience at what it's like to produce a fashion show. The show was a great success, and I gained tons of valuable experience.
Backstage after the show with some of the models
The next day I had an editorial photo shoot for the Spring 2013 collection of the clothing line I work for, Doucette*. It took place on the head designer's rooftop, which had the most beautiful views of the city. We had a great day of shooting and captured a lot of fabulous shots. You can check out our Facebook page to see some behind the scenes pics. Make sure to visit the website to see all the editorial shots that will be up soon. So fab!
Sorry for getting a little long-winded again. There is just so much I want to share with y'all! It was such an amazing week full of valuable experiences. I'll leave y'all with some of my fave looks from NYFW S/S '13, and you can check out our Pinterest to see all of our favorite images from the week. Hope everyone enjoyed their fashion week!
Oscar de la Renta...died.
Love the messy fishtails at Tory Burch
Bravo Jason Wu
Monique Lhuillier bringing the glitz